How to create FTP account in cPanel

To create an FTP account:

  1. Log into cPanel
  2. In the Files section, click FTP Accounts.
  3. In the Login field,type the name of the FTP user. A full FTP user name will always be formatted as user@primarydomain.tld. You cannot create an FTP account without your domain name in it, regardless of the publish destination.
  4. In the Password fields, enter a password which will be used to authenticate this FTP account.
  5. Set a quota for the FTP account. Quota is the maximum amount of bandwidth the FTP user may use. If you leave the quota as unlimited, the FTP user will have the ability to use the total amount of bandwidth for the cPanel account.
  6. In the Directory field, cPanel will auto-populate an assumed directory based on the FTP username, but that is normally incorrect. So, we recommend erasing everything after public_html/ and providing the directory you would like the user to access.

7. Click create
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